
What to wear to the Office in 2022

Julia Leitch 0 comments

Chances are that for the last two years and a bit your morning routine dramatically changed. Gone were the days of racing against time to get everyone up, ready and fed. Those mornings were suddenly replaced with casually getting everyone up, ready and in front of his or her computer. At first glance it appeared that folks were business as usual, just in front of the monitor instead of in a large boardroom. Of course, we all knew the truth, dig a little deeper and the bottom half of our meeting ensembles were actually an old pair of sweat pants!

 As a lot of folks embark on a quasi-return to the office it may be difficult for some to even remember how to hit the ground running like we used to. While we can’t get you and your family up and fed in a prompt manner we are able to help you make quick fashion decisions in the morning to help speed things up. We will refer to this guide as our three main principles to adhere to get you excited to return to the office!

Wear something fun that makes a statement about your personality:

It is likely that the value of sweat pants stock reached record highs during the pandemic and if anyone was smart enough to invest in said stock it may be time to sell high now. The winds are changing and fashion is reverting back from simply being comfortable to being a creative expression about your personality or mood. Perhaps your feeling liberated and excited to return to normal life and you want to express that through fashion; I would personally convey that statement about myself with a fun, chic boho inspired maxi dress or a floral print midi dress. Let us know in the comments section how you would convey your personality through fashion!

Pick a piece that sparks a conversation:

We’ve gone a long time with limited interactions with random people. In reality, much of our daily life was made up of little interactions with random people and that was disrupted for two years. Some people are able to jump right back into the social fray while there are some people who struggle with this. I fall into the latter category, I often feel like it’s the first day of grade 9 and struggled with ways to break the ice. One day while sporting a floral pattern top a co-worker commented on the pretty flower pattern on my top, this sparked a conversation and led to a cordial work relationship. I called that top my little icebreaker; perhaps you can identify your own little icebreaker. Let us know in the comments section about a piece that you wore that sparked a conversation.

You don’t have to sacrifice comfort or time:

Disclaimer alert; obviously for comfort nothing can really touch a pair of sweats but that doesn’t mean you have to be uncomfortable either.   Secondly and equally as obvious is it is requires little effort to put on sweat pants, but that doesn’t mean you need to rise with the sun to get ready either. I’ve been finding my own balance between being fashionable and suitable for the office with being fairly close to as comfortable as during the pandemic, all while requiring as little effort as possible.   My balancing act consists mainly of chic, trendy and comfortable jumpsuits. These require almost no effort at all, I simply throw these on with my favourite accessories and I’m ready to go. Let us know in the comments section below how you balance effort/time with comfort while still looking fabulous!

These were the principles I stuck to when initiating my return to normal life. Perhaps I missed something entirely or perhaps you’d just like to add your .02 and you’d like to add it in the comments below.

Enjoy the start of summer and stay safe!

Lace and Envy.